Parent FAQ
Where is Le Petit Ballet Co. located now, and how can I get Le Petit Ballet Co. to offer ballet at my child's school?
LPBC is an in-school/after-school dance enrichment program located in North Carolina. We currently partner with schools in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point-Burlington area, as well as Durham-Chapel Hill-Cary-Hillsborough area. Contact your school director or principal to see if it's a possibility to have our ballet program come to your school in the future, as we are always expanding!
How much do LPBC ballet lessons cost?
Our low-cost 8-12 week ballet sessions give your child the opportunity to try ballet without a year-long commitment or the high studio fees. By coming directly to your child’s school, Le Petit Ballet Co. is able to mitigate costs that would be involved in a dance studio location and pass on the savings to you. Prices for your school's classes will be available at registration time through your school, our website registration site, or by contacting us directly at info@lepetitballetco.com. Additionally, we do not charge recital or costume fees before our end-of-session performances. We want all children to be able to experience arts education, so we try to work with families as much as possible to make this a reality for your little one, including possible payment plans and discounts when available. If you find yourself in need of a payment plan or would like to apply for a scholarship or partial-scholarship, please reach out to Director@lepetitballetco.com.
What will my child need to wear for ballet class?
If you’d like to buy a pair of ballet shoes for your child, that would be great! Often, girls wear pink, beige, or brown and boys typically wear black or white, but any color is fine—pink, black, brown, tan, white, etc. Students may also dance in their socks if they don’t have ballet shoes. It is not necessary to buy ballet clothes (leotards, tights, etc.) for our classes. Dance students probably will not have time to change clothes before and after ballet class. Just dress your child in comfortable clothes they can move in, and they will be ready to dance! If your child wants to bring a favorite tutu, that's fine, but we also bring plenty of tutus, capes, and accessories for the dancers! Elementary aged students who have their ballet class after school who need to change clothes may bring dance clothes or just comfy clothes, like leggings or shorts and a t-shirt. Please pack clothes they can change into independently since teachers are not able to assist dancers with changing clothes.
Can my son take ballet class?
Yes, absolutely! Ballet is not just for girls! Many boys are interested in our ballet program, and they have such a fun time dancing with us! We invite all students to dance with us! The beauty and joy ballet brings to life is for everyone. Click here to read more about LPBC's philosophy and belief in inclusivity.
Can my special needs child register for ballet class?
Yes, let's make a plan! Depending on the situation, your child might need a volunteer assistant to help us keep them safe, but the experience will still be just as much fun! We firmly believe dance brings joy to children of all abilities, and we want to help all children experience this. If your child dreams of being a dancer and has a special need, please reach out to us or your school director to help us create an appropriate plan to assist you in the best way.
Is there a recital or performance for parents to watch?
Yes! It’s one of the most exciting moments of our sessions, when our little dancers’ dreams really do come true with them as the stars of the show! Students will be showered with attention and praise on this day, as we all celebrate our final class together, and children show parents what they have learned in our ballet class time together. It’s such a special moment! You will not need to purchase tickets or a costume for the performance, but you may be asked to purchase a certain color t-shirt or leotard to wear with a tutu or cape that will be provided. Typically, we only have performances at the close of fall and spring session (and not at the end of 8 week summer sessions).
Why should I sign my child up for ballet class with LPBC?
Many little ones dream of being a “real” ballerina or dancer one day, and this is their chance to give it a try! Ballet is so elegant and beautiful, and ballet classes make children feel so special and build such self-esteem to make their big dreams a reality. Also, our classes are a perfect opportunity for children to practice their listening skills, build confidence, and become more aware of their bodies while moving in a controlled, healthy way and having so much fun! Not to mention, students will be wiggling, twirling, and using up all that built-up energy little ones have! They will certainly sleep better after all of that dancing!